Jul 23Liked by Mardi Crane-Godreau, PhD


I am not medically trained but read and listen to lectures on the topic of Long Covid. You paint a picture of recovery like few do...insightful, logical, and totally helpful. I look forward to reading

your regular posts. More doctors should be updating their knowledge on MD.

Thank you,


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Thank you Jane! Your comment means a great deal to me.

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Jul 21Liked by Mardi Crane-Godreau, PhD

This is a very important article! Thank you, Dr. Crane-Godreau!

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Thank you Karen,

I hope that you will share it with others!

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Jul 20Liked by Mardi Crane-Godreau, PhD

Thanks Mardi thats really helpful. I have 4+ yrs of covid neuropathy( small fiber neuropathy caused by covid) long covid. I am researching MD also. am experimenting w various supplements, understanding the metabolism of LC, translational medicine, getting support from Boulder Longevity Institute's monthly Q&A's, plus peptides.

Just starting cibinetide ( on my own patient instigated research) will keep you posted.

Prior to that low dose steroids ( on top of all the nutritional and life style treatments)

was keeping the pain under control. butrans is a mitochondrial antiinflammatory molecule. also researching mito temp.

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Hi Mira, Have a look at TLC for Mitochondria for some other insights. I mention in that piece that my personal protocol is just that, a protocol, not a menu. If you read multiple sources you will see that mitochondria have a very specific need for a variety of nutrients. I've seen several papers that suggest that nutrient deficits can result in increased ROS and thus, more damage to the mitochondria. https://longcovidjourney2wellness.substack.com/p/long-covid-tlc-for-mitochondria

Obviously, this is a complex situation or it would have been resolved for most of us by now.

Stay in touch and I hope that you will share this post with others.

Kind regards,


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Jul 20Liked by Mardi Crane-Godreau, PhD

Thank you; Outstanding information. I shall try supplementing additional CoQ10, however for the sake of economy I will be using Qunol, Ultra CoQ10; I have been taking 100 mg daily, every other day or so because I've been prescribed to use lipitor for many years now. I'm thinking of taking 100 mg everyday and adding perhaps another 100 mg daily or every other day, and note progress (?).

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Good to hear. Let us know how you progress.

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Jul 20Liked by Mardi Crane-Godreau, PhD

Thanks for this issue's referral to:


It explains why I've noticed I do better when I chase my coffee with Carnitine.

I've also made the decision to use Co-Q10, without any mito-Q. So far, I haven't noticed anything clearly, as was the case with caffeine plus Carnitine. I'd be interested in the effects other readers are experiencing.

Dr. Crane-Godreau, do you have any referrals concerning frequency remedies?

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Hi Aleithia,

As mentioned to others, have a look at TLC for Mitochondria for some other insights. I mention in that piece that my personal protocol is just that, a protocol, not a menu. If you read multiple sources you will see that mitochondria have a very specific need for a variety of nutrients. I've seen several papers that suggest that nutrient deficits can result in increased ROS (a cause of internal inflammation within the mitochondria) and thus, more damage to the mitochondria. https://longcovidjourney2wellness.substack.com/p/long-covid-tlc-for-mitochondria

There is far more than just nutrients. Lifestyle matters. Check out the TLC post.

Kind regards,


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Hello again,

Please let me know if you receive this Aleithia.

I do not prescribe doses or frequency for 3 reasons. First, I am a teacher not a clinician. Second, I base my comments on materials that I read and my own personal experiences. Three: Everyone is different and their needs differ over time. I am, for example, a female in my 7th decade of life and I weigh about 125 pounds. I am relatively well recovered from Long COVID and am not currently 'treating' any viral infections. I have learned to vary my doses and frequency based on my needs. I have increased frequency of my supplements when I have suspected or known that I had a viral infection.

This is an area of science and health that is in need of research so that guidance can be offered.

Please know that I care. I just don't want to give out inaccurate advice.

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