Sep 27, 2023Liked by Mardi Crane-Godreau, PhD

Hello! I’m grateful for your informative post and feel rather desperate to understand how to assist my own mitochondria in repair... without the ability to fully follow all the science. Is there a “mitochondrial support for artists” platform somewhere? I’m using what tiny residual executive function I have to keep working and avoid total financial collapse… Then my weary mind tries to find hope in the long Covid community, but I’m frustrated by the lack of energy to research and learn the relevant science! Would so love a shorthand to mitochondrial support for the average Jane.

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Hi Catherine,

You are asking exactly the right question. I will write my next post in response to your suggestion.

In previous posts I addressed the steps that I had to take to support my mitochondria. Others have reported success following the same steps, but a re-write seems to be in order.

In the short term, a couple of thoughts.

Inflammation is the enemy of mitochondrial vitality.

Diet can reduce inflammation and support your mitochondria or make things worse. I go into detail HERE:

https://longcovidjourney2wellness.substack.com/p/long-covid-choosing-foods-and-nutrients and HERE:


Inflammation is also related to stress and various forms of environmental pollution. Take measures to reduce exposures.

Get adequate sleep and rest and be moderate with respect to physical, emotional and psychological exertion.

Maintain your sense of humor, laugh with friends.

Thanks so much for your suggestion. Look for my next post. https://longcovidjourney2wellness.substack.com/

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Sep 30, 2023Liked by Mardi Crane-Godreau, PhD

Thank you so much. I really appreciate your time and care.

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Hi Catherine,

Please be sure to 'subscribe' so that you receive future posts. You can subscribe for free or pay if you are able. It's an honor system that's open ended.

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Mardi Crane-Godreau, PhD

I was of this mind as well but doctors where I live are very...well... unconcerned. Ketogenic diet was like hitting a home run. My mitochondria were super performing, life was great, then covid (4/2020). Mild case left with no energy. I couldn't figure it out but I wasn't producing any keytones and my blood sugar was staying around 110. I broke my fat metabolism somehow. Gluconeogenisis was trying to keep me alive? Anemia, neurological problems, etc. Couldn't get a doctor interested to save my life literally. Long story short but supplementing with some key vitomers. seems to be helping a lot (methyl folate) I wish mainstream doctors would become interested but I suppose this is why you write! Thank you.

Richard W Roberts

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The underlying premise is that as the mitochondrial recovery process is on, the resident viral remnant load (infection or vaccine) must be flushed out, so that it doesn’t keep interfering with the recovery process. This is how medicinally addressing the pathological part should be looked at. Resident viral load, that is the key, it is the pathogen.

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This is an enlightening post. LC should actually be regarded as a mix of pathological conditions and a fundamental dysfunction/damage - something like two thirds to one third. The location is now well understood - mitochondria. The pathological condition could be immune, inflammation, allergy or even an infection - they are all different faces of the same event. Body can eliminate both conditions on its own in a very slow process. Mitochondrial recovery, aided by food choices and supplements, would also in small measures undo the pathological conditions. This explains why LC recovery has always been a slow process. But the physiology of the pathological part is well known and should be amenable to courses of anti histamines, anti inflammatories and immuno modulators. Possibly, a combination course of all of them would be necessary. This should run concurrent with the well laid out mitochondrial recovery plan. Done separately one after the other, one may not see visual improvements early, prompting you to believe that the medicinal therapy did not work- like what you have mentioned. I also feel that your medication regimen was an insufficient one - like either anti histamines or anti inflammatory. Hope I am making myself clear. If the pathological factors are cleared quickly this way, even as the mitochondrial recovery parallel process is kept up, body is now free to focus exclusively on the latter. The process can thus be hastened , even with a less elaborate protocol of adjuvants and supplements. You went through the long grind of leaving it to the body totally and I am glad that you have made it. What I have laid out here is a reasoned quicker path. Would very much appreciate your views, as well other following this podcast.

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This is an enlightening post. LC should actually be regarded as a mix of pathological conditions and a fundamental dysfunction/damage - something like two thirds to one third. The location is now well understood - mitochondria. The pathological condition could be immune, inflammation, allergy or even an infection - they are all different faces of the same event. Body can eliminate both conditions on its own in a very slow process. Mitochondrial recovery, aided by food choices and supplements, would also in small measures undo the pathological conditions. This explains why LC recovery has always been a slow process. But the physiology of the pathological part is well known and should be amenable to courses of anti histamines, anti inflammatories and immuno modulators. Possibly, a combination course of all of them would be necessary. This should run concurrent with the well laid out mitochondrial recovery plan. Done separately one after the other, one may not see visual improvements early, prompting you to believe that the medicinal therapy did not work- like what you have mentioned. I also feel that your medication regimen was an insufficient one - like either anti histamines or anti inflammatory. Hope I am making myself clear. If the pathological factors are cleared quickly this way, even as the mitochondrial recovery parallel process is kept up, body is now free to focus exclusively on the latter. The process can thus be hastened , even with a less elaborate protocol of adjuvants and supplements. You went through the long grind of leaving it to the body totally and I am glad that you have made it. What I have laid out here is a reasoned quicker path. Would very much appreciate your views, as well other following this podcast.

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